Friday, May 13, 2011

WoW: Doing it Right

Odds are if you've played the game for any significant period of time, you know this starter quest (H/A) in Hellfire where you've gotta kill demons to gather up demonic energy and blow up two Teleporter buildings near the Dark Portal. It's a very nasty little bugger (not so much in terms of difficulty; it's not exactly hard per-se), because there's a shit ton of patrolling mobs around these buildings and in the area to get to them which respawn much faster than you'd prefer sometimes. So, it's really easy to end up with more mobs than you want in short order and be dead in an equivalently small window.

Anyways, I'm working my way towards the second of these buildings last night on me Goblin... well... that's a tight pack in front of me but I can get through it if I'm careful...

Pulling the acid rain lady... fuck... too close to that other pat... OK... Ele root her, the Felguard and his little dog too... get some space... FUCK... moved into range of that other pat... Cone of Cold root them.... back to acid girl... burn her down... OK... group everyone back up... Freeze them... get some range.... GOD DAMN IT.... Cone of Cold the next pat... get back to eliminating people from the rooted group... this is working... I'm making a royal mess of things but keeping it together... Ice Barrier keeps my damage manageable... they're getting licks in though... mana's getting low... Barrier's down... Ele's fallen... two left... almost dry... they're swinging what's probably going to be the death blow ... Fingers of Frost -> Ice Lance -> one falls and...

... that's how amateur Frost Mages ding in style...

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